The turn of the calendar is often seen as a fresh start, where we resolve to make changes that improve our lives. Along with health and fitness, improvements to areas of personal finance are usually high priority. According to a recent survey sponsored by Principal Financial Services, saving more and spending less lead the financial goals list (NOTE: the survey results were from 1,004 respondents, who ranged from ages 18-65+ from a fairly even mix of both genders).
Spending less to save more is the ultimate 1-2 combo for achieving financial security. Let’s hope, unlike what paves the road to hell, this year’s 2019 resolutions are not just good intentions.

Also of note:
- Survey results found that women are planning to make financial resolutions at a significantly higher rate than men, and are resolved to save more money and spend less. This is encouraging, considering that women still fall behind men when it comes to saving for retirement
- Financial resolutions are extremely popular with millennials, who at 94% are the generation with the highest commitment to making them, demonstrating that younger generations are also feeling the need to increase their financial security.